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How to Find Us

Municipal Transport (MT) Route from the Airport

  • Bus line No. 119 to Nádraží Veleslavín station, change to metro line A (Green) to the Muzeum (6 stops), exit Čelakovského sady, walk 200 m up Mezibranská street. Hotel building is located on the corner of Žitná and Mezibranská streets.

Transport from the Main railway station (via MT)

  • Metro line C to I.P.Pavlova (2 stops), walk across I.P.Pavlova Square and enter Sokolská street on your right.


  • Hotel parking available in the adjacent hotel at 670 CZK/day (28€, 22£, 35$).

Nearest MT (MHD) stops

I.P.Pavlova (200 m)

  • Metro Line C (Red) – Letňany – Háje
  • Tram lines No. 4, 10, 11, 16, 22
  • Bus line No. 291
  • Night lines 51, 56, 57, 59, 504, 505, 510, 511, 552

Muzeum (250 m)

  • Metro Line A(Green) – Depo Hostivař – Nemocnice Motol
  • Metro Line C (Red) – Letňany – Háje
  • Tram line No. 11
  • Night lines 504, 505, 511

Wenceslas Square (Vodičkova street) (500 m)

  • Tram lines No. 3, 6, 18, 22, 24; night lines 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59
  • Metro Line B - Zličín - Černý Most

Means of Transport

Destination Km Means of Transport
Car Municipal Transport
Václav Havel Airport Prague 17 km 45 min. 38 min.
Train – Main Railway Station Prague 0,8 km 2 min. 5 min. 8 min.
Bus – Central Bus Station (ÚAN) Florenc 1,5 km 4 min. 10 min. 15 min.
Metro – I.P.Pavlova, line C – Red 0,2 km - - 3 min.
Metro – Muzeum, line A – Green, line C – Red 0,2 km - - 2 min.
Tram – I.P. Pavlova stop - No. 4, 10, 16, 22 0,3 km - - 4 min.

Hotel Vicinity Map

In the map application you can see the nearest surroundings of the hotel, you can zoom in and out, search for tourist tips or use the router.

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